
End of portal 1
End of portal 1

end of portal 1

When you reach the main platform, turn to your right - at the top of the tower with the tube protruding from it is a portalable surface. Hop down from the scaffolding, then use the broken bits to cross the swamp. Jump out of a portal on that surface to bounce over to the exit door. The button will reveal a second, higher surface on the wall of the main room (to your left as you exit the hallway which contained the second cube). Retrieve the cube and place it on the button back at the entrance to the hallway. Jump onto one of the gel-covered side walls to bounce back and forth over to the cube. Shoot a portal onto it, jump through it, and bounce over to the next area, which contains another cube separated from you by a long pit. The button will reveal a new surface high on the wall to your right. With the cube, bounce back up to the same platform and portal to the platform across from you to place the cube on the button.

end of portal 1

Fall onto the moving platform as it passes and retrieve the cube. Test Chamber 02įire a portal on the ceiling above the moving platform, then bounce up to the platform past the Repulsion Gel and fire your other portal onto the wall. Grab the cube and place it on the big button, then return to the exit door. Portal up to the tall platform across from the exit, then jump back into the pit of gel to bounce over to the exit door. Use the Repulsion Gel to bounce to the other side of the gap. High on the wall to your left is another walkway - portal up to it, then walk down the pipe to the next elevator. Inside Pump Station Alpha, flip the switch in the control room, then walk through the open gate onto the metal walkway. Walk down the stairs around the elevator to the open shaft, fire a portal at the bottom of the shaft and jump through it to launch yourself to the next door. Once you're at the top, fire a portal onto the angled surface above the vitrified test chamber doors to the left. Enter the elevator and press the red button to activate it. Walk through the sliding door, past a couple rooms, and back outside. Fire a portal onto the angled portion of the support below, then jump through a portal on the ground. Portal up to the metal platform on the top right side of the back wall. Once in the lobby, your goal is to launch yourself through the circle of the giant hanging Aperture logo. Portal through the doorway and pull the lever at the end of the hall. After entering the hatch, move down the metal walkway until you reach a broken door.

End of portal 1